Pre-college and college bound high-schoolers:

Jumpstart your introduction to the world of coding

With an Intro to Coding online course from University of Michigan Engineering faculty

June 18 - July 30, 2025

$149 plus tax. Need-based financial aid available.

Joy of Coding Logo

Created for high schoolers

Our courses were created with high schoolers in mind. No prior coding experience required! All courses are online and self-paced, so you can fit them into your schedule.


Bolster your
college apps

Upon completion of the course, students receive a certificate of accomplishment from University of Michigan ECE to include in college applications.


Have fun while learning

Students use Python to learn how coding powers Snapchat, Instagram, and Siri…and even learn how to code their own AI face filter lenses!

Who are we looking for?

Students should...

  • love math and logic underlying math problems
  • love solving problems creatively
  • be receptive to coaching and reaching out for help when stuck
  • be able to laugh off mistakes during the learning process


Basic Requirements

  • Age 13+
  • Have taken and enjoyed Algebra
  • Understand the concept of variables and functions
  • Understand basic manipulations of functions and variables 
  • Know how to compute f(0)  and f(1) when, for example,  f(x) = sin(x)   

Individualized support from University
of Michigan Professors & Students

Your Instructor: Raj Rao Nadakuditi

Prof. Nadakuditi is an award-winning researcher and teacher dedicated to making computational subjects accessible to individuals of all ages and from all disciplines. In addition to receiving the Jon R. and Beverly S. Holt Award for Excellence in Teaching, Prof. Nadakuditi has received the DARPA Directors Award, DARPA Young Faculty Award, IEEE Signal Processing Society Best Young Author Paper Award, Office of Naval Research Young Investigator Award, and the Air Force Research Laboratory Young Faculty Award.


Your Student Coaches

Through our courses, you’ll get support from a team of 15+ University of Michigan Engineering students, who provide 1-on-1 support to get you unstuck. Our student coaches are hired because of their passion for helping high schoolers learn how to code and they can’t wait to meet you. Don’t just take our word for it….listen to what they have to say: 


Joy of Coding has rolling admissions, but we encourage interested students to apply as soon as possible.


